Price Table
💫 Quick
🌟 Medium
⭐ Big
🌙 Seasonal
Seasonal takes priority over Quick and both take priority over Medium and Big
Pixel Dolls
Pixel Marionette - $35💫
Comes with a speech baloon version
Bouncy movements and blink
Compatible with Veadotube, PNGtuber Plus and Fugitec Reactive
Pixel A Mimir - $15💫
Choose between Pillow, Cloud and Moon (you can choose the color too!)
No blanket - +$5
Custom Pillow - +$5
Pixel Plushie - $40💫
Breath animation, blink and wiggle
Open mouth and closed mouth included
Compatible with Veadotube and Fugitec Reactive
Pixel Peekaboo - $35💫
9 Alerts Bundle
Icons are pre made